Thursday, August 30, 2012

Self Defense - The Four Most Dangerous Places For Assaults

We frequently get asked by our female customers where they should be carrying their self-defense products. You don't have to be a distributor of self-defense products and write articles and blogs about stun guns, pepper sprays, and other products for self-defense to know where attacks on women occur. Of course they can occur just about anywhere, but the four most dangerous places for assaults on women are parking lots, in and around college campuses, the workplace and the home-not necessarily in that order.

Women need products for personal safety and personal security much more than men because they are the targets of assaults and other violence in close to 90% of all cases. Female self-defense is a major concern, especially to younger women who may be just entering the workplace or who are off to college and on their own for the first time.

Self-defense items can improve the personal safety and personal security of women by providing them with a nonlethal self-defense option.

Let us elaborate on this a little bit more.

1. Believe it or not a commercial parking lot is a prime place for perverts to assault women. There actually is a reason for this. The bad guys know that women who have been shopping in a store of any kind are usually very distracted on their way to the car either by talking to friends, taking care of a young child or talking on a cell phone and so on. "Men" who specialize in assaults count on that distraction factor to sneak up on women and assault them. Throw in the fact that many parking lots are not well lit and it makes a dangerous combination.

2. Young women who are off to college for the first time are subjected to many new experiences. They want to blend in and be social. So their guard may be lowered when they are invited to their first fraternity party or post-football game celebration. For this reason and others, many colleges have made sexual assault awareness classes mandatory for all incoming freshmen. College campuses are not necessarily the serene places administration officials want you to believe they are.

3. When we talk about the workplace as a potentially dangerous place for assaults on women, we are primarily talking about women who may get assaulted in a darkened stairwell or darkened parking lot in the case of shift workers. There is hardly a week that goes by when you don't read about an assault on a woman who is coming home from work at two o'clock in the morning.

4. And finally the last place, believe it or not, that's so dangerous for women is the home and we're talking about domestic violence. Unfortunately, most domestic violence incidents do not get reported.

So for women the best places to use products for female self-defense to help improve their personal safety and personal security are the home, workplace, college campuses and parking lots. That's where the vast majority of assaults occur. But to be on the safe side, women should carry a self-defense product with them basically all the time.

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