Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Women's Self Defense: The WHY

Anyone can sit down and watch the news on a given day or turn the radio on and see yet another instance of an assault or even worse. Normally these situations become so prevalent and wide-spread, that the viewer eventually becomes oblivious to the news.

Until... ?

It hits home. When a story or situation hits home, (personal, family, friend, co-worker, or when it just simply moves into your neighborhood or surrounding area) this is usually a "wake-up" call to anyone that is now consciously aware to take the next step.

What... ?

The next step is always some type of action, since inaction in one's mind is no longer an option. Otherwise one would still be "asleep" in our example. Action is now taken in searching out a hands-on class for some type of personal defense or self-protection. And then the entry level or degree of activity also kicks in, meaning armed or unarmed. Now comes the research.

Where... ?

The quickest way to get immediate action is of course the internet and Google. Most would then sit down and type in any myriad of search terms from self-defense, women's self-defense, martial arts, defensive tactics, firearms training, personal protection or even just karate or karate classes. Now the fun begins.

How... ?

How to go about and actually, "sticking the toe into the water" now that one has all of this information on where, but the search can be overwhelming and thus the adventure begins!

Goals... ?

We recommend that you sit down and plan, maybe not on paper, but certainly at least have the proper goals in regards to what you are actually looking for:

What type of class are you looking? (private, group, hands-on, defense, traditional martial arts, firearms?)

How long do you want to train? (Are you looking for the quick stop plan - a few sessions to get a brush-stroke view of basics, or possibly something longer or maybe even on-going or routine maintenance training?)

How much money or what is your budget? (This is very important, especially today.) Most trainers one can haggle with or put together package plans based on it you are willing to continue some type of ongoing training. It certainly never hurts to ask. Since it is a win-win.

What distance are you willing to commute? (You'd be surprised how few really look into this factor and are shocked once calling and finding out about a great program but is simply not good enough to drive that extra 10-20 minutes one way. And now you've wasted what in some cases can be a very long detailed phone call with lots of Q & A.)

Are the person's references or credentials important to you? (Anyone can train or instruct, few can actually teach and meet your goals in a one-on-one or even group setting.)

Is there anyone that you'd like to talk to in your sphere of influence? (It's more relaxing and less stressful to take any type of class along with a friend or family member. You at least know someone and it's proven that adults especially learn better and retain more in a less stressful situation.)

These are all great places to start, provided that there is a why or reason to get up and do something.

More to come...

The Author has close to three decades of training and study in various martial arts or styles, travels and networks with some of the largest Academies, of all Arts, styles and business models around the world. To learn more about some local training in Pittsburgh or other areas check out

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